Sunday, January 18, 2009

appliances and cows

No, we're not furnishing the barns with fridges and stoves for the cows...spent the day Saturday looking and pricing appliances....glad I had narrowed things down online before this or I would have been found wandering aimlessly around a parking lot somewhere in suburbia.

We've got possession, but having to come up with the money to refurb the house is crazy. I looked at washers, and dryers, and stoves, oh my. Fridges, and dishwashers, and rangehoods, oh why? Found out it does pay to make the small talk ANYWHERE. Nothing like going to a box appliance retailer and walking around with a salesman and exchanging quips on how many overalls you can stuff in a front load vs a top load (with agitator). Front load wins and I make my connection to his family farming and showing pigs to grandpa moving his farm to MO. His sister dated someone that went to the same college as BE, too! That's good for contractor pricing! Gotta love it. Another pearl from the pasture. :)

Came home to check on one of the new cows...she's just like a woman...a little moody with that "don't mess with me" look in her eyes.

Jiminy had to climb the roof to block wind from the pilot light on the furnace. It got so cold in the house that I had both kids on my lap in the lazyboy, under the blankets and then the dog (NOT a chihuahua size) decided to jump in! Toasty and a little stinky.

CMM is enjoying warm air in Denver...said he didn't even need his vest on. I'd be jealous, okay I am, but I am looking forward to the warm air in CA next weekend.

Spent the morning at church and then a little nap before going to the new house for a little cleaning...more just looking and thinking...oops.

LL and C are crashing at the south house to get on the bus when I'm gone in the am. Too early of a day.

Friday, January 16, 2009

sorry...been out to pasture

Well, since I've been here, I've started a new job, broken my foot, cem broke her arm, terrible things have happened in the relationship with the person that should be my best friend, new friends have been made, foundations of faith have remained strong, friends have been lost for an indefinate amount of time, a "friend" has been lost (okay, cut off, kicked out, feel the need to chew up and spit out) forever, found new inner strength everyone always said was there, lost 8 pounds, and the list goes on.

I guess my big thing to reiterate is the fact the God is good...more than good. He has and is carrying me through some hard, dark times.

Today the windchill was 27 below. -12 without windchill. After taking CMM and a friend to the airport at 430am, I about fell asleep in the parking lot of a Cracker Barrell while waiting for them to that's desperate for pancackes!

More when I'm not falling asleep at the keyboard :0)

Heading out to look for appliances tomorrow for our new house! Also looking at flooring and bathroom stuff.

More to come..I promise to try and be better for all two of my followers